Before You Commit: 7 Important Factors to Mull Over for Budding Software Engineers

By Vinius M Muthii | February 29, 2024

Many individuals in the tech field identify themselves as software developers or engineers just because they engage in coding or programming tasks. But, is software development or engineering all about coding? In most cases when some of these individuals are given a task in software engineering, it becomes a challenge to develop the given software or application. So, what does it take to become a software engineer?

In this article, we will discuss this question and highlight what needs to be done by anyone interested in this field.

'7 facts when pursuing software development as a career |'

What is Software Engineering/ Development

By definition, software engineering is a branch of computer science that deals with the design, development, testing, and maintenance of software applications. It involves applying knowledge to create high-quality, reliable, and maintainable software.

It may sound easy to develop software but trust me the process is overwhelming and challenging. If that were not the case, everybody would be doing it. Here are some facts that you should consider before taking that gig in software development:

1. Mastery of Programming Languages is Paramount

With the new developments in Artificial Intelligence, code generation has become a common thing among programmers. Many individuals who claim to be experts in a certain programming language, basically just ask a prompt and get the code they need in a particular programming language. It is essential to embrace AI as it is here to stay, but prior knowledge of programming languages is essential.

The generated code can help you solve a certain problem in a module but may compromise the entire credibility of the code. Prior knowledge helps you to identify loopholes and ways to fix them in your code. Furthermore, it also reduces the time to understand the code snippet generated and how it affects the entire software.

2. Constant Debugging is Normal

Software engineering is not for the fainthearted or quitters since errors are daily. In most occurrences, software engineers have to try out a new module or solve a certain problem in a more improvised way. This warrants errors as a part of the process. Experts in software engineering, say that debugging takes almost 70% of the task in this field.

Therefore, it's good to factor in errors and embrace debugging as part of your journey as a software engineer. Consider taking often breaks to clear your mind and come up with ways to tackle the underlying issues.

3. Time Management and Work-Life Balance

Software engineering takes a lot of time in planning, developing, testing, and installing the new software. It's essential to understand that you cannot develop credible software overnight. Many individuals don't factor this in and it messes up their social engagements and workflows. It's wise to consider taking some time off the process to refresh and also devise new ways to tackle the issues at hand. This time can be used to engage with loved ones and other individuals, otherwise isolation is inevitable.

However, for many employers and organizations, a time frame is given to finish developing the software needed. In this case, as a programmer, you need to manage your time wisely to meet the deadline and also avoid being isolated from your loved ones.

4. Creativity and Innovation is the Key

What sets a software engineer apart from any other programmer is the ability to think critically on a certain problem and come up with new innovative ways to solve the problems. Mostly in emerging technologies like AI, Machine Learning, and Quantum computing where most problems have never been tackled before, a software engineer in this situation needs to come up with ways to solve problems.

Your ability as a software engineer to be creative and innovative helps in assuring your employers that you are capable to solve that problem and maintain their systems in case of errors or upgrading later.

5. Every day is a Learning Day

As a software engineer, learning does not stop. Due to advancements in technology, a solution that was deemed useful previously may not essentially be viable today. Take an example in security, as a software engineer you need to make sure your software is immune to attacks that may hinder proper workflow. Every day, technology is enabling hackers with new and modern ways to breach systems hence you need to stay abreast with modern and superior ways to make sure your software remains secure.

It is also essential to stay abreast with the trending technologies as they are here to help eradicate problems in a simpler way than earlier methods. I know you may be asking, when does it stop? Well, it never stops.

6. Expect Hostility

With the advancements in AI integration in many fields and rising layoffs by companies worldwide, many individuals see technology as a threat to the demise of their jobs. When implementing and installing the software in the organization, many of the workers may have negative remarks about the software even if it serves its needed purpose. This is driven by the fear that it may replace them and lead to them losing their jobs or essence in the organization.

As a software engineer, it's important to keep your cool and not be overly sensitive when one terms your new software as incompetent while they fear for their job. Honestly, nothing can be done since technology will eventually catch up with them.

7. Software Engineering is Attainable

Despite all the issues highlighted above, it's also important to know that it's possible to attain this dream of being a software engineer. Consistency is the only key that will ensure that this becomes a reality. For everyone who aims to join or excel in this field, remember quitting is never an option.

In conclusion, for many individuals who want to start a career or need to advance in software engineering, these are facts that one has to embrace to excel in this field. Which one have I omitted? Use the WhatsApp link on your right and share it with me.

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